Construction Dust Risk Assessment Case Study


The client was seeking planning permission for a mixed-use development within an inner London Borough. The proposed development consisted of a new ten-storey building, comprising of 3,000 m2 of B1(a) office space, 544 m2 of B1(c) light industrial use, 100 m2 of shared B1(a) and B1(c) use and 508 m2 of ancillary and plant space.

To support the planning application, an air quality assessment was required.


Before instructing DustScanAQ, the client had previously commissioned an air quality assessment from another consultant. This had been repeatedly rejected by the local authority for not being sufficiently robust.


In the first instance, DustScanAQ liaised with the local authority to agree a suitable scope of work. As illustrated below the main concern was the Newton Preparatory School, indicated by the blue flag, only 25m to the south west of the proposed development site.

DustScanAQ undertook an Air Quality Assessment, which followed the latest guidance from the Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM) and Environmental Protection UK (EPUK).


The deliverable was approved by the local authority and assisted in securing planning permission for the client. Further assurances were given to the local authority based on conservative assumptions made in the absence of detailed construction information.

The planning consent contained conditions relating to dust mitigation and real time particulate matter (PM) monitoring, which were based upon the conclusions of the air quality assessment. DustScanAQ own a fleet of real time PM monitors and are in a position to discharge the condition prior to construction beginning on site.

Client Feedback

Thank you again for your good work on this. I think I have a new AQ consultant for all future projects!

M. Sahota, Partner at NTA Planning