Air Quality Residential Feasibility Assessment Case Study

  • DustScan Ltd
  • $
  • Air Quality Residential Feasibility Assessment Case Study


The client was seeking planning permission for the erection of four detached residential properties on a parcel of land adjacent to a heavily trafficked A-Road. To support the planning application, an air quality assessment was required.


The local authority felt that due to the adjacent A-Road, future occupants of the proposed residential units may be exposed to illegal levels of air pollution, namely nitrogen dioxide (NO2).


DustScanAQ liaised with the local authority to agree a suitable scope of work. It was agreed dispersion modelling would be used to determine that the proposed residential units were a suitable distance from the A-Road and pollutant concentrations were within the objectives. If pollutant concentrations exceeded the objective, DustScanAQ would offer advice in the form of design changes and mitigation. The dispersion modelling followed the latest guidance from the Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM) and Environmental Protection UK (EPUK). Model outputs were processed to produce pollutant contour maps. This contour below illustrates that annual mean NO2 concentrations are well below the relevant air quality objective at the entirety of the proposed residential plots.


The deliverable was approved by the client and submitted to the local authority along with a suite of other supporting documents.