Air Quality Monitoring
DustScanAQ installs, operates and manages a wide range of air quality monitoring equipment, and provide project specific data management solutions.
Range of Air Quality Monitoring Equipment
DustScanAQ installs, operates and manages a wide range of air quality monitoring equipment.
We have experience with big data analysis in management, quality control, interpretation, data visualisation and reporting , from a range of simple desktop based solutions to high level cloud based data driven technologies.
Through continuous environmental monitoring, we assist clients in developing bespoke data driven environmental management and alert systems to improve site compliance.
The equipment we use ranges from simple passive diffusion tube sampling, through short term pumped filter-reference sampling, to sophisticated automatic air quality stations for continuous air quality monitoring.
DustScan Cloud
The DustScan Cloud monitoring service utilises the products and data management platforms of a variety of real-time monitor manufacturers.
We work with our clients to specify and source the most appropriate equipment for their individual monitoring applications.
This includes measurement and reporting in real-time for PM1, PM2.5 and PM10, deriving particulate mass concentration in microgrammes per cubic metre of air (µg/m3).
Monitors typically send data to the cloud (internet), and can be designed for low electricity consumption to be run off-grid using solar panels. Data can be viewed and managed via an internet interface, or sent to other data management software.
Equipment we supply can meet the criteria for fence-line PM10 monitoring set out in the:
- HS2 Code of Construction Practice Greater London Authority’s Supplementary Planning Guidance ‘The Control of Dust and Emissions during Construction and Demolition’
- Institute of Air Quality Management ‘Guidance on Monitoring in the Vicinity of Demolition and Construction Sites’

John Bruce
(PhD, BSc, MIAQM, MIEnvSc)
Principal Consultant
Discuss your requirements with our Principal Consultant
If you would like to discuss any of your Air Quality Monitoring needs with our Principal Consultant we can organise an initial call to understand your exact requirements.
Please call us on +44 (0)1608 810110 or email John using the email button below.
Case Studies

The business was formed in 2004

We are employee owned

Over 145,000 samples analysed