Occupational Noise Exposure
DustScanAQ are experts on noise exposure monitoring and provide workplace noise surveys and assessments.
Workplace Noise Assessments
Requesting a workplace noise survey by a competent assessor helps you to meet your legal requirements under the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005, and aid you in protecting your employees from work-related noise induced hearing loss.
Competent assessors include those qualified through either the BOHS (British Occupational Hygiene Society) or the Institute of Acoustics, in accordance with the HSE legal guidance ‘Controlling Noise at Work’ L108.
A workplace noise assessment should identify and review current noise risks and exposures in relation to the legal limits, appraise the controls currently in place, and where appropriate make suggestions and recommendations towards reducing noise exposure.
Intrusive noise may be intermittent or continuous and may include impact noise of brief but harmful frequencies.
Loud noise at work can damage your hearing. This usually happens gradually and it may only be when the damage caused by noise combines with hearing loss due to ageing that people realise how impaired their hearing has become.
Noise at work can cause temporary or permanent hearing damage that is disabling. This can be:
- gradual, from exposure to noise over time
- caused by sudden, extremely loud noises
Health effects may include tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and noise induced hearing loss (NIHL). Diminished hearing can lead to people feeling more isolated, less aware of their surroundings and may even impact on their ability to concentrate.
Noise Assessment Surveys
A noise assessment survey can include short term measurements and continuous personal (dosimetry) monitoring to obtain projected daily or weekly noise exposures; it is carried out with a sound level meter and may be supplemented with personal dosimeters, which can be deployed on workers to assess noisy and quieter periods. The sound level meter will also record octave band frequency data which allows more thorough assessment of suitability of hearing protection (preferable to HML and SNR methods).
If personnel are likely to be exposed to excessive noise at work, The Regulations requires, where applicable, the following:
- Ensure personnel do not exceed exposure limit values
- Manage and control exposure action values
- Carry out a noise risk assessment
- Provide employees with information, instruction, and training
- Provide suitable hearing protection
- Employ an appropriate health surveillance program
- Take appropriate action to reduce or eliminate the risks
- Produce a noise control action plan
DustScan’s occupational exposure assessors can provide support and guidance to employers to fulfil their legal and corporate obligations.
DustScan would attend site, carry out a survey to gather information and noise data and compile findings in a report and summarise the status and recommend areas to redress or improve on.

Andy Fisher
(BSc, CertOH, LFOH)
Principal Consultant
Discuss your requirements with our Principal Consultant
If you would like to discuss any of your Workplace Exposure needs with our Principal Consultant we can organise an initial call to understand your exact requirements.
Please call us on +44 (0)1608 810110 or email Andy using the email button below.
Case Studies

The business was formed in 2004

We are employee owned

Over 145,000 samples analysed